Online Casino Games That Have Been Inspired By TV Shows

Inspiration for online casino games can come from a variety of influences that range from historical events to science fiction. The different selection of games tends to be widespread, with different inspirations appealing to the audience. TV shows have become a staple of entertainment and shows of all different genres have been combined with casino elements to create some interesting games.

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/o59Gt5O4QZ4
Deal or No Deal
The iconic British game show Deal or No Deal has been a regular source of inspiration for online casino games, with a variety of different games using the tv show as a theme. Iconic features such as the mystery boxes and phone calls from the banker are often used in conjunction with classic elements of casino games, making for interesting combinations. You can play a deal or no deal game from Paddy Power for example, who provide variations of the game that include slots, bingo and various others that use classic features from the actual TV show.
Deal or No Deal isn’t the only game show that has served as inspiration for online casino games. Games based on `Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?’ have featured iconic aspects of the tv show such as the ‘lifeline’ system, which makes for an interesting addition. Similarly, games have featured the iconic wheel from Wheel of Fortune which has proved to be a popular feature. Due to the nature of game shows, they are the easier franchises to adapt to online casinos.
American Dad
This popular adult animated sitcom may seem like an unusual choice for a casino game; however, the game providers have used the inspiration effectively. Characters from the show appear as part of the game mechanics and each character has their own unique features. The game is appealing to players as its ability to include the humour that the show is known and loved for, with a symbol named after one of the shows iconic catchphrases; ‘schmooblydong’.
Using comedy based tv shows as inspiration for casino games hasn’t been exclusive to American Dad. `Friends` is another example of a comedy show that has produced casino games, with many memorable aspects of the show featuring in the game.
The X-Files
The hit 90’s TV show ‘The X-Files’, which has been listed as one of the greatest TV shows of all time, proved popular enough to have an officially licensed online slots game created. The X-Files is a science fiction detective series featuring supernatural elements including aliens and monsters. These supernatural elements provide interesting imagery for the online slots game, with symbols based on some of the various sci-fi aspects of the show.
The use of X-Files as a source of inspiration for a casino game shows how appealing popular TV shows can be as a theme. The program was originally broadcast in 1993, with its last episode airing in 2002. Despite the amount of time that passed, The X-Files returned with a new series in both 2016 and 2018. The show has still been able to inspire other media, such as the slots game, despite it not being produced for almost two decades.

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/silhouette-of-a-man-during-sunset-1114897/
TV shows have often inspired other multimedia spin-offs including video games and adverts, however, online casino games have provided an avenue that has led to very successful and appealing crossovers.