Part 34: The part when I went a little crazy…

Today is Thursday which because of Easter means that it feels like a Friday, and on top of that we are also off from work on Monday which means this Thursday is the Friday before a long weekend. Confusing? Perhaps… but most of all extremely lovely. The sun is shining, and so am I… therefore I’m going to play recklessly and see where I end up.
For those who read the last post I tried to double my casino balance by playing two different slot machine games, both were unfortunately not successful. So today I thought I’d change it around a bit, not play slots or blackjack… I’ll win or lose it all playing Roulette!
The first time I played Roulette I had no idea what I was doing. I have since then figured out that there are two different types of roulettes: An American and a French. The difference lays in how many 0’s is available and if I remember correctly the French Table only has one zero meaning that there is a slightly bigger chance for the player to win. I also learned that there are inside bets and outside bets, and that is pretty much all I remember so let’s go and do it!

I opted for a French Roulette game this time, and this is a summary of how it went. To watch how I did exactly, and to see how you can make bets on roulette, please see the video below.
In the game French Roulette, you can choose your betting limit. This is helpful as it means that also us players with not too much in our balance can still play. I obviously choose the Standard betting limit where the minimum bet is €1, and the maximum bet is €100.
After choosing your betting limit you are taken to the Roulette table. All the parts of the table marked in blue are outside bets and those in red are inside.

The outside bets have higher odds of happening and therefore their return is slightly lower than the inside bets.
I started by making €1 bets on the outside. 1st-12th and betting on red! I managed to win €2 as the ball ended on red. The second bet I made I placed €1 on black and €1 on Odd numbers. I won nothing as the ball stopped on 14 Red Even.
My third bet was one of those weird ones where you place the chip in the middle of four numbers and therefore bet on those four numbers… it has a name this type of bet I just don’t really know what it is… on that bet I lost. I was down to €3.07 at my lowest when things slowly started turning around. I bet on 1st to twelve and odd and spun 1 Red ODD which made me win €5!
I decided to be a bit more daring and bet €5 on one colour. RED. And believe it or not I WON! I had been down at the bottom and now I was reaching for the top.

If daring worked once I thought it had to work again so I bet €5 on 2nd to 12, got a 13 BLACK ODD… and cashed in another €15!!! I was on a roll. I was like the dudes on TV with the girl next to them asking them to blow on their dice… oh wait…that’s another game… anyways I felt like I was on a roll.

…Then I started to lose some again. I would win on half a bet and then loose one the other so I would stay on €23.07 but staying there also made me more prone to crazy decisions like betting €10 on Red and then getting 2 Black even. Then I started to win some again. I bet pm black and even and got 10 Black Even (cashed in €20! BAAAM)! Lost some more… won another €20… I mean guys you need to watch the video to see all the action happening. At most I had €43.07… A HUGE difference compared to my measly €8.07 that I had to begin with.
…Then I don’t really know what happened. I started by losing €10 here…another €10 there. And then all of a sudden like out of nowhere I only had €3 left. And what do you do when you have €3 left… You play them and hope for the best.
Well the best did not happen and I’m now down on €0.7, I guess that is it for playing with caution. The fun thing about playing this way, with no fear of losing what you have is that the PlayOjo Emoji head really starts filling up and you start noticing that your cash-back counter is increasing steadily.
When I first started playing today, I had €0.03 in my Cash-Back balance now I have €0.2, I would say that is a very nice and fair deal! If you also feel like this is a fair deal, I recommend you try PlayOjo out. It is definitely entertaining.

Now I will head out for some well needed Easter holidays, I hope you guys also enjoy your holidays and remember to also go outside and enjoy the sun!