VideoSlots receive licence from Swedish regulator

VideoSlots have made it known that they have been awarded a license to operate in Sweden from the country’s regulator. The licence is a five year licence and commes after they appealed an original decision against them.
VideoSlots had originally been awarded a two year regulatory licence, but in late 2018 they appealed this decision. They felt it was unfair, but the Swedish regulator felt their conduct in the UK merited just a two year award. The courts agreed with VideoSlots and repealed the decision.
Making aims at growth
VideoSlots now have a range of different licences. They are licenced by the UKGC, the MGA as well has having licences in Denmark, Spain and Italy. The latest award means that they can add Sweden to their list, at least for the next five years.
An increase in sales
The CEO of VideoSlots put out a press release claiming that this new licence will give them the opportunity to increase their sales significantly. He was hopeful that they would be able to start offering their titles to Swedish casino operators very soon. It would give them the push to continue their growth across Europe.
Others making the same moves
The latest news for VideoSlots comes after LeoVegas had a similar result. In October they had their two year licence in Sweden increased to a five year licence. These two precedents could see other operators and developers making claims to a higher court if they are rejected.