Part 16: Counting Cards

Did you know that it is impossible to count cards on online casino games? It’s because all cards are restacked before being dealt in the next round, unlike real casinos where the same card stack is used until it has been used up… or at least that is how it was explained to me.
When I was in high school, I had a math-teacher set up an after-school class to teach us how to count cards – this was at the same time that the movie ‘21’ with Kevin Spacey was in the cinema, but despite liking the movie I opted-out. Today I wish I had learned how to count cards, even if it would’ve been completely useless in ]online gaming…
You might wonder why I’m telling you all of this…well I decided to try Blackjack - Classic. In the following paragraphs I will tell you how that went.
In this game you get three places to bet, you can choose to bet however much you want but the minimum bet is €0.25, and the maximum bet is €100. The money is only counted as a bet once “Deal” has been pressed and until then you can change the bets however you want.

I decided to start with three different bets, one of €0.75, the second of €1,5 and the third of just €0.5. Then you press “Deal”. Each bet is then dealt two cards that sum up to a number and you can choose to “Double” your bet, “Hit” (take another card) or “Stand” (stopping). At the same time the dealer is also given a card. The dealer’s cards will also be added and the one closest to 21 will win.

On my first bet I got 19 and I decided to Stand (easy choice to be honest) on the second one I choose Hit until I ended up with 18 where I choose to Stand as well and on the third I took one more card giving me 18 and choose to Stand there as well.
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The dealer was then given his cards and, well he did not choose to Stand when he should’ve and ended up with 22 meaning I won all of my bets! A total winning of €5.5

After this you can choose either New Bet, then all of the bet spaces are left open and you can make completely new bets or you can choose to Rebet then the same bets are made again. I choose to try New Bets. Here I encountered an issue, as much as I tried to put a new bet I couldn’t. I choose to talk to support about this issue. The answer I got back from support was: That I had to clear my browser history and cookies and then restart it all. But I didn’t really have time for that…
So, I thought I would try rebetting. I started the game over and bet €2 on all the spots and lost it all, pressed rebet and before I could blink, I had gotten a blackjack. On the second one I decided to hit – BAM! 21 and then on the third … BAM BAM BAM! 21 AGAIN! This means I cashed in €13…

I totally think Blackjack is my game and I would like to recommend it to everybody who has not yet tried it!
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